The anchovy conservation importance

Peruvian sea has a large anchovy amount, and all the Peruvians, especially fishing industry members, should be aware of this marine species importance.


The Peruvian anchovy relevance

Part of this resource is used for indirect human consumption (fishmeal and fish oil), which forms an important contribution to the national GDP, generating a positive impact on the economy.

The anchovy represents food rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and omega 3; vital properties for a healthy and nutritious diet.

In addition, the role that this species plays in the ecosystem is highly relevant. Like others, it is part of the Peruvian seafood chain. Therefore, its sustainability is fundamental for other species preservation. This doesn´t means that its extraction should be restricted but rather that it should be done with full responsibility.

The conditions for the anchovy sustainability achievement

At the time of the anchovy fishing, young fish must be left in the ocean, so that their reproductive cycle could continue in a normal way, and that will contribute to their preservation. The Production Ministry states that the minimum fish size to be extracted is 12cm. In this way, the fishing enterprises that do not comply with this mandate are sanctioned by the Ministry.

It is necessary to mention that formal fishing enterprises are committed to caring for the planet, complying with all regulations that are part of
responsible fishing.

We have several certifications that support our commitment to the care of the environment. We hold the IFFO certificate, which shows that our raw material comes from responsible fishing. We also hold “The Sea Friend Certificate”, which ensures our commitment to the marine ecosystem conservation. Finally, “
The Dolphin Safe Certificate” guarantees that our fishing is environmentally safe.

As we take full control of our operations, we also fight against illegal fishing. This activity includes the prohibition of any marine resources extraction, which occurs outside the law and regulations. Apart from that, not paying the established taxes represents a risk for marine biomass, since some illegal enterprises fish without permission, in protected areas and outside the established season, without respecting the fishing quotas. This problem threatens formal fishermen, the sea and coastal communities.

The ecosystem approach

To start any activity, we take into account the environmental impact that it could have. In recent years, a lot has been said about the
ecosystem approach that fishing enterprises should have, which means that we must consider the natural resources preservation as a starting point for our work.

All our operations are performed considering their impact on the planet. It is essential that economic and environmental interests walk in the same direction; we believe that this will contribute into the country’s development. Therefore, for the next few years, the goal is to make all fishing enterprises operate under this approach, which we will gradually achieve through work, research and new technologies implementation.

The anchovy preservation should be given its due importance, bearing in mind that if this resource runs out, it would have a negative impact on the ecology, economy and society.

An important part of the Hayduk’s culture is to ensure the anchovy preservation. With our Corporate Compliance policy, we join the sea protection and reject any activity that goes against the environmental sustainability, such as solid waste mismanagement, pollution and illegal species extraction.

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