Telecommuting is a recent trend in Peru that benefits the users as they can work from any place, are flexible with how they organize their time and can balance their workload and their personal activities. The main goal of the program is to raise the quality of life of our partners, having a positive impact on their personal, family, and motivational wellness. Even though it is in the first evaluation phase, it already had its first pilot since February of this year, with the participation of 20 people from the Legal, Quality Control, Finance, Management, Human Resources, Accounting, and Logistics areas.
The consultant in charge of evaluating the results has noted Hayduk is a company able to implement this trend, becoming the first in its sector.
The participants of Telecommuting and their managers have validated the efficiency with the fulfilment of their duties, generating more productivity, a better work environment, and the conciliation between work and family life. Until now, it is only addressing the support areas of the Lima branch. Nonetheless, we are evaluating its extension to other branches.
In Hayduk, we are committed to the improvement of our processes. Hence, we constantly search for improvements to make the work and personal lives of our partners more enjoyable.