Pota: An alternative for the fisheries sector in Peru

Nowadays, the production of fishmeal and fish oil (both products for indirect human consumption) based on the anchoveta, represents the backbone of our industry in Peru.


However, in recent years, other alternatives have been gaining ground, becoming important sources of economic growth and, in my opinion, options that could delineate the future of this market in our country. One of those cases is that of the squid.

Pota export

The fishing of this species is currently the second most important activity in our sector. They are among its main destinations: China, Spain, Korea, among others.

Despite coming from a recent climatic phenomenon “Niño Costero”, since 2017 the volume and income from exports have made us the main squid producers in the region. This data is particularly important, because we are talking about a food that goes exclusively to the market line for direct human consumption.

Impact on the Peruvian economy

In addition to exports, it provides jobs to more than 25,000 Peruvians per year, both in plant and on-board craft and industrial vessels along our entire coastline.

This growth has impacted the sector in a very positive way, generating initiatives such as the realization of the first studies on squid biomass and formalization in the granting of fishing rights and licenses.

The consolidation process should serve as an impulse to end informality in the species extraction. We are talking about thousands of vessels that operate with their backs to the regulatory framework, which is an urgent requirement in this evolution.

There is still a lot to grow in our industry, but the fact that new paths are consolidated, projects a panorama of great expectations. As a true sea lover, this fills me with optimism and pushes me to move forward with the assurance that the decision we made 27 years ago at the beginning of this adventure was the right one.

Let's keep moving forward!

Mildo Martínez

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