In order to achieve this objective, the following quality standards must be met:
During tuna fishing, do not chase or cast nets on dolphins.
No gillnets or trawl nets should be used.
Do not cause serious injury or death to any dolphin in the casting of the nets.
Fishing must be supervised by an independent observer who certifies the
completion of all steps.
This guarantees the prohibition of throwing the nets on dolphins or other species that are around. Besides, it ends the intentional corralling of dolphins and compromises the fisheries to:
Do not use nets that capture other species during their operations.
The release of accidentally captured turtles.
Do not participate in shark finning activities. All those that are accidentally captured will be released alive.
Incorporate devices to prevent birds from approaching the hooks.
Do not intentionally shoot, harpoon, sting or harm marine mammals in any way.
Thanks to the constant demands of end users, Dolphin Safe is a successful certification. The environmental monitoring process includes more than 300 companies, marketing agencies, fishing companies, wholesalers and retailers in more than 50 countries.
From Hayduk Corporation, we guarantee to follow the quality standards required by the certification.