Hayduk: we are the first fishery in Peru with interconnected operations

There is communication between our fleet and the rest of the company at any point of the sea.


In Hayduk, we have put into operation one of the most ambitious technological projects of the Peruvian fishing industry. It is about the use of connectivity solutions that facilitate communication in our fleet of boats and the rest of the company at any point of the sea.

The project includes the installation of satellite antennas in our vessels, which send the critical information to the center of operations of the fleet in real time. With this technology, it is no longer necessary to wait for their return to generate information on fuel consumption, fishing freshness and efficient use of equipment.

"Our vessels are no longer dependent on their proximity to the coast to contact the rest of the company, thus contributing to the reduction of costs associated with their movement. In addition, from the plants we can inform our crew about the best fishing areas and sea conditions; and in the same way, the information generated in the ships reaches the rest of the company immediately " , says José Arriola, General Manager of Hayduk.

Thanks to this project, we became the first fishery in Peru with vessels connected in voice and data 24 hours a day anywhere in the sea. Thus we continue with our fleet management model that contributes to the corporate decision making with the generation of data in real time, increasing our productivity and efficiency.

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