
Ethical Management

At Hayduk, commitment to an honest and impeccable business is a fundamental pillar to our corporate strategy. We develop all our activities convinced that an ethical and transparent behavior is key to our business success.

This is why we keep different channels to guarantee that our actions follow these guidelines.

Ethics Commission
  • Promotes compliance of the organization’s values through the creation and constant review of corporate documents such as ethics codes and manuals.

  • It is also responsible for reviewing and giving solution to events reported anonymously through the report canal.

  • It is made up of the General Manager, Administrative and Human Resources Manager, Legal Manager, Head of Risk Management and Organization and Methods.

Ethics Code
  • We work based on the guidelines set forth in our code of ethics, which describe the behaviors expected from the collaborators both in the execution of their functions and relationships with other stakeholders.

  • To reinforce their contents and ensure their compliance, we deliver talks on the most relevant topics to our collaborators from all premises.

Check our code of ethics in Spanish
Report Canal
  • As part of our corporate culture strengthening program, we engage our collaborators in complying with Hayduk values. Thus, we create a space whereby they themselves can report situations that go against ethics in our operations.

  • The report canal is managed by EY - Ernst & Young, a well-known international firm ensuring that 100% of reports are addressed under the strictest independence and privacy parameters.

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